Counsellor & Supervisor Directory
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Welcome to our Find a Counsellor and Supervisor directory!
Practitioners listed in our directory are qualified to at least diploma level and have completed a minimum of seven areas of our training.
Please click below to find out more about how this service works.
- When a counsellor or supervisor asks to be included on our website, checks are carried out to verify that they are qualified, have appropriate insurance and supervision in place and belong to or, are accredited by, a recognised counselling body. This information is updated annually.
- Deep Release is not able to make assurances that this information remains the same in between checks and bears no liability.
- In accordance with the above, we recommend that when approaching a listed counsellor or supervisor you make your own checks to verify this information before entering into a contract.
- Counsellors listed on the Deep Release website pay an annual subscription fee to advertise their services, but Deep Release does not profit in any way from any referrals gained through the counsellor’s or supervisor’s advertisement and does not provide recommendations.
- Only counsellors and supervisors currently listed in our directory are able to use the term Deep Release counsellor or supervisor.
- Any person contacting such a counsellor or supervisor and entering into a professional relationship with them does so independently of Deep Release and any contract between that person and the counsellor or supervisor is with them alone.